there are people out their who will loan on bad credit with very high interest rate and collertal. but absolutely no reputable company loans to someone without a job or income.
Loan sharks are illegal and can get you hurt.
Check out David Ramsey site. great stuff.
He helped my a lot and he cares! God bless be careful!
Does anyone know of a loan company that accepts people with a bad credit rating/and or unemployed?
If you are unemployed, no reputable lender will give you money. You are a bad risk. If you have really bad credit, likewise. However, there are companies out there that prey upon people like you, and will give you money (so long as you are currently employed) and charge you exorbitant rates so that you will be forced to pay 10X or more what you borrowed in the first place by the time the loan is payed off. Given your history. Develop some saving habits, and use cash for major purchases.
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