Assuming you live in the UK, ICICI Bank UK Plc would be a good option.
How can ifind a bank to open a current eve with poor credit rating?
try alliance and leicester they are linked to the post office
How can ifind a bank to open a current eve with poor credit rating?
i would go to the nationwide. they run a flex-account that you can open with a crap credit rating (i was bankrupt when i opened mine) because it only gives you a cash point card so you can only take out money you have already put in. it comes with an account number and sort code and you can do direct debits %26amp; standing orders from it just like a current account. and online banking and all the other stuff you would expect to be able to do with a current account
How can ifind a bank to open a current eve with poor credit rating?
very difficult i would imagine as most banks are very strict now especially when it comes to opening accounts some good banks however some may try to overide it and get your account open but it may imply restrictions on whyat you are entitled to because of your credit rating you may noit be entitled to have a credit card and you may have a small overdraft faciltiy or none at all. so give it ago some banks may be agble to help good luck.
How can ifind a bank to open a current eve with poor credit rating?
Nat West do a step account for people with poor credit rating.
You get a paying in book and a cashcard and can have standing orders and direct debits.
You can not have a chequebook, debit card or any form of overdraft facility.
If your credit rating improves you may be able to upgrade the account at a later date.
The account is not usually ofered to poeple who have been declared Bankrupt or have outsatnding ccj%26#039;s.
How can ifind a bank to open a current eve with poor credit rating?
ALL banks offer a BASIC BANK ACCOUNT - they just don%26#039;t advertise the fact, because they can%26#039;t make much money off you with them!
BBA%26#039;s are mainly aimed at people on benefits or with bad credit. Depending on the bank, the BBA will give you a cash point/Visa Electron card. You won%26#039;t get a cheque book or a cheque guarantee card, but the accounts offer a direct debit facility - handy for paying bills.
When you have run the account for 6 months/1 year (again, depending on the back) you can ask to be upgraded to a Current Account. Ex-building societies (Woolwich, Abbey, Nationwide) are usually quite good and the process is relatively simple.
Hope this helps - good luck!
How can ifind a bank to open a current eve with poor credit rating?
visit they can help with Bank Accounts, Loans, Mortgages etc for bad credit and get the best rates for those with a good credit history.
How can ifind a bank to open a current eve with poor credit rating?
try a Basic Bank Account at any high street bank or the post office.
Or find out which banks do a credit check on peopkle wanting a current account - not all do. Some just need you to be in paid employment with a salary that can be paid into the account electronically.
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